I’ve shared my testimony, but not everyone got a chance to hear it. I’ve been through some tough things.. And when I say tough, I seriously mean it. When I was younger (6) me and my mom got held hostage for a couple days, not gonna go into full detail, but it was a miracle we made it out.
Every guy I’ve dated has cheated on me, then my past relationship was a very abusive one. I felt like I deserved it, I didn’t want to get out of it. Through the abuse, I still loved him. I still love him to this day, the person I thought he was. I went crazy over it, I was a completely different person. My mom didn’t know what to do with me!
I attempted suicide at least 3 times, first time I woke up in the hospital and they said I shouldn’t have made it. The next two times I didn’t even go to the hospital, my mom didn’t even know, yet I survived. You know why I survived? Cause I’m here for a PURPOSE! God wasn’t finished with me yet. He still isn’t. I was always a party girl. No, I didn’t do drugs or sleep around but I loved the atmosphere. I loved the attention. But no matter how good that makes you feel, you’re still missing something. And you can feel it too. A strong relationship with God is what’s missing.
My dad doesn’t want me involved in “his immediate family”, how a father could say that to his daughter? I don’t know. We don’t speak anymore, but I have learned to forgive him. I’ve forgiven everyone who has hurt me because even though I fail on a daily basis, my God still forgives me and forgets it as soon as He does.
It took a lot for me to change my life around, I had to move on with my life and leave my friends behind. I had to be selfish because at that moment, I wasn’t the bigger influence. I can now say I am and I give all the credit to God.
I’ve been through a lot and people wonder how I’m so strong. It’s because I know God’s working in me and He’ll never give me anything I can’t handle. I don’t see the big picture, but He does. And that’s what keeps me going. I preached on “Why bad things happen to good people”. You can watch it here:
God isn’t a punisher. He doesn’t look at what you did last weekend and decide to put you through hell. Instead he allows us to go through struggles so we become more mature, so that we’re ready for the bigger things that are to come. It isn’t all about the struggles. He blesses us in so many ways, we just tend to focus on bad stuff happening around us instead of the good.
People say I inspire them, it’s definitely hard to believe, but I take it very seriously. I know a lot of people watch what I do and how I do it and I use that as an encouragement to keep being me, the me God has called me to be!
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